
Cat Adoption Rescue Education & Sanctuary

Supporting HiArbor
How You Can Help
HiArbor never adopts out a cat or kitten that has not been spayed/neutered, tested for disease and given shots appropriate to its age. The $60 adoption donation fee cannot cover all these expenses. If you would like to make a donation please call 609-432-5167. A donation does not have to be money. Other things that HiArbor needs are listed below, and please know that we are more than grateful for anything that you can do to make our rescue work possible. Thank you!

Other Things that HiArbor Needs:  
  • Volunteers for all types of activities. No matter what you like to do, or how much or how little time you have to spare, there is a place for you at HiArbor.
  • Foster Homes are needed for many cats and kittens. Sometimes a shy kitty just needs a little love and human companionship to become trusting, affectionate and adoptable. People with a tender touch and time to spare might want to specialize in bottle-feeding orphaned or abandoned litters. Some kitties just need a place to hang out while waiting for an adoption cage to open up.
  • Cat Food, both dry and canned is always needed. Cats and kittens have voracious appetites that need to be satisfied.
  • Kitten Milk Replacement is a necessity for babies with no Moms, or when Mom can't make enough milk to feed the whole litter. KMR is good for Mom, too, to stay strong and healthy while nursing.
  • Litter, all kinds. During kitten season we never have enough non-clay or clumping litter. Yesterday's News, made from recycled newspapers, is ideal.
  • Towels, Sheets and Blankets are ideal nesting materials for Moms with litters, and make comfortable padding for cages.
  • Cleaning Supplies like bleach, laundry detergent, all purpose cleaners, paper towels, etc. For both kitties and their caretakers to be healthy we have to keep the sanctuary clean.